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Peace bringers. Multidimensional women.

Let stillness spill over.

Be the one who sees the extraordinary in the ordinary, who creates magic and lives in limitless potential.

Be the one who knows your presence is so enough.

The one whose words echo through the chambers of their hearts of hearts because you are speaking from the deeply rooted wisdom of your soul.

For you are the expression of the wisdom of the cosmos.

Be the one who wakes them up, with love.

You can be universal. A global impact. 

This is for you if you are...

Done with playing small and hiding.

Done with infighting.

Done with self-sacrificing.

Done with not knowing who you are without external validation.

You desire to step into your Vortex of Stillness and embody your unique legacy leadership frequency.

You desire to take massive vision-aligned actions with the support of a seasoned mentor and sacred community by your side. 

Join me for a FREE 3-day masterclass that is steeped in my next-level leadership vibe. I am here to play full out. Are you?

25 - 27 September, 5pm UK time

Day 1
: Awaken the Dragon: cutting through the illusions of security and separation to reconnect deeply with wisdom, love and the sacred 

Day 2: Riding the Dragon: seeing the extraordinary in the ordinary and continuously go to your next level - while fully loving the evolution and joy of the journey

Day 3: Enter the Mystery: living in a way that you could recognise yourself as the pure consciousness that you actually truly are.  

(replay is available for a limited time)

"Profound and intuitive. Strong but loving. Her medicine is deep and yet oh so gentle. In her world, you feel embraced for all of you, and loved exactly like that." 

"I really felt cradled by love and experienced a sense of peace that's hard to find in every day life."

"LiYing, my love and gratitude for you reaches far beyond this 3D world and I know our paths will cross again. I am wholly happy and content with myself for the first time in 64 years and I bow down to you with love and gratitude."⁣

"You will never know how deeply your offering touched me, as I just can’t express it in words. It is beyond. So beyond. The world would be so deprived if you didn’t do what you do. Thank you so much."

"LiYing, your wisdom and guardianship of the ceremony is sublime. I can’t thank you enough for the experience and it was felt in all of my being. It’s an honour to travel along with you."

"You are a magnificent leader, and so dedicated to your path. You lead with love, and show me the Mentor that I want to be."

"LiYing… your tea ceremony was the most profoundly ancient and modern and timeless and ethereal and grounding magic I have experienced. What a gift."

i am inevitable
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