The invitation by Tea is this - bow and listen deeply.
To the depths that you can go.
To the love you are capable of setting free.
To the Universe that is constantly responding to you.
The trust you can find for yourself to dive right in with unwavering faith that you've got your own back.
When I was walking through the tea fields in Wazuka, Japan, I was in awe of the tenacity and courage of the tea people who chose to cultivate clean, living tea gardens free from pesticide and agrochemicals.
When there is no evidence... they kept the faith and believed in their cause. We are talking about at least 2 to 5 years of research and reviving the soil to organically produce the tea leaves that meet their standards.
Through days when money ran low, people who did not believe...
They stayed the course.
And it got me thinking about how sometimes we think we are entitled to success.
That sense of entitlement is egocentric. As a result we tend to give up way too fast, or don't even start.
And that is not okay.
I am here to really share that so much hard work and evolutionary inner alchemy are done to get to where I am - and I am so fuelled and inspired by this experience.
Returning from Japan, Tea Spirit and I have continued to shed and reveal more of the illuminations coming to the fore.
What I am feeling now feels like a blanket of ease and peace.
What is also known as "zi ran · 自然 ·" - natural, harmonious, a stillness that has faith in the order of things in a nonlinear fashion, my senses, feelings and even my thoughts, are in accordance with the Dao.
So much about Cha Dao ·茶道· is about letting go and loving into the Great Mystery so that we can allow the mystical to get to work. Non-attachment in practice is not just contained within a Tea Ceremony. It seeps into every breath we take and every way we do things - all of which I teach my women to embody inside my containers. DM if you're ready to receive the transmission.
To share with my women that it is not about controlling the mind or shaming the masculine sides of us.
No, it is not about that at all.
To no longer seek to increase power, and not to live to survive.
The spirit of Wu Wei, that of which is free from worry and anxiety, is ours to embody. It is not a figment of imagination, and is very real.
Be you, be free, it's all available for you, 💋
LiYing 📿