As a stillness practice, Tea Ceremony has been the anchoring point in the vortex of stillness for me.
Since time existed, Tea from old-growth or/and wild-grown trees has been revered as a plant medicine, carried in shaman's pouches to cross realms and herbalists as remedies alike. In Chinese Medicine, Tea is often called a Shen (Spirit) tonic that puts the spirit back into the heart, thus enlivening the body once again - through the eyes we can see the soul alive and thriving again.
Every Leaf carries a full expression of the tree from whence it came... and every tree is an expression of the environment in which it grew up.
As we merge with the sublime nature through imbibing this medicine, we are taking in universal, cosmic and earthly life forces.
This is why in my Tea Ceremonies, I endeavour to seek out and share "living" teas that are in a symbiotic relationship with the terroir, seed propagated, with ample room to grow in a biodiverse environment without artificial irrigation used to grow the tea.
And just like this, we do not know where we begin to become Tea, and Tea becomes us...
We remember we are cosmic.
We take away linear time-lines and remember we are timeless.
We remember as energy, we created this body to interact in this dimension.
And so we can harness our energy to create anything we desire.
I have felt this landing... that a woman can lead whilst having the most genuine, loving relationship with all - herself, the divine, money, clients, lovers, friends... all that she is encompasses her and authentic power emanates from her magnetic presence as the cosmic magnificence embodied.
Working hard and trying and fearing and defending and protecting, people not getting us... all of those things are simply the workings of an overthinking mind.
In the great presence of Love, the mind is still.
In the stillness of the mind, the soul can come alive and be animated and expressed fully, your divinity presented into the physical dimension.
Who would like a replay of my silent Tea retreat? DM me your email address and I'll have it 🕊 in your inbox 💌
Be you, be free, it's all available for you, 💋
LiYing 📿